Utilizing Effective Volunteer Management to Elevate Nonprofit Organizational Capacity


  • Abeni El-Amin Fort Hays State University/Shenyang Normal University (SNU)




nonprofit organizational sustainability, volunteer recruitment, volunteer retention, volunteer leadership, volunteer management, nonprofit financial management, nonprofit capacity development


The purpose of this expose is to focus on volunteer recruitment as a matter of nonprofit educational and leadership practice. Volunteer recruitment is one of the various components of nonprofit organizational sustainability, which includes volunteer recruitment, retention, management, leadership, and organizational performance. Provided is in-depth review of volunteer recruitment as a topic, its issues, trends, and strategies for effective practice in volunteer management. Nonprofit organizations are considered an important economic sector and must build capacity to remain sustainable. Therefore, exceeding financial targets helps to sustain nonprofits in volatile times. Utilizing volunteers helps to stabilize budgetary constraints. Moreover, nonprofit organizations are developed with five major considerations: historical need, market failure/growth, government failure/growth, pluralism, and collective impact. 


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Program Administration and Development