
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The article is in Microsoft Word format. If the file is submitted in any other format, you will be asked to resubmit your article.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Online Submission Instructions

To submit a manuscript to Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, the author must (1) have an account on this site and (2) be enrolled as an Author with JNELSI2

-If you, the author, have not registered an account with this site, please click ‘Go to Registration’ at the top of this page. Fill in the registration; check the box for ‘Author: Able to submit items to the journal’. Then click ‘Register’.

-If you have an account with this site, please click ‘Go to Login’ at the top of the page.

-Once you log in, if you are registered as an Author for JNELSI2, you should see the journal’s title and off to the right, ‘New Submission’. Click this to begin the five-step submission process.

-If you don’t see ‘New Submission’ you will need to enroll as an Author. Enroll as an Author here:

  • Under ‘Country’ is ‘Roles’; to the right, click the box for ‘Author’.
  • Click ‘Save’ at the bottom.

-To return to view your manuscript submission status, make sure you are logged in and click on ‘My Journals’ in the upper right corner.

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General Instructions for Authors

-Manuscripts will be accepted for review with the understanding that the content is neither published nor simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

-When an article is accepted for publication it is considered the property of JNELSI. If the article is not accepted for publication, it will be returned to the author. No payment is made for articles published in JNELSI2.

-While an international audience is encouraged to submit manuscripts, only manuscripts written in English can be accepted for review and publication.

-Personal information about the authors should be absent from the manuscripts. The uploading process (when submitting a manuscript for review) allows authors to put this personal information in a metadata set of windows (Article Title, Short Title, Keywords, Abstract, and Cover Page Footnote, in addition to the Full Text of Submission window and the Cover Letter window) along with their contact information and their affiliation information. Authors should fill in all these windows since the information provided there will be used later if the manuscript is accepted.

General Instructions on Writing

-Authors should know that the Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary will be used for all issues of spelling and hyphenation.

-Authors should know that the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (abbreviated here as APA Manual, 6th ed.) will be used for all issues of style. 

Specific Instructions on Writing

-Authors should remember that the APA Manual suggests, ‘Past tense or present perfect tense is appropriate for literature review and the description of the procedure is the discussion is of past events. Use past tense to describe the results. Use present tense to discuss implications of the results and present the conclusions’ (2010, p. 65).

Sanchez (2000) presented the same results. Researchers have argued €¦

-Whenever including tables or figures, authors should remember that the APA Manual suggests they present those tables and figures in the following way:

Tables should be called Table 1, Table 2, etc. The label of the table (Table 1) should be placed flush left at the top of the table. The title of the table should be placed flush left under the label of the table and should be printed in italics with upper and lower cases words.

Figures should be labeled Figure 1., Figure 2., etc. The label of the figure (Figure 1.) should be placed flush left at the bottom of the figure, with the words Figure 1. in italics (notice the period after the number of the figure). The title of the figure should follow the label of the figure and should be printed in regular font in lower cases (except for the first letter of the first word), ending with a period.

Instructions on Writing Abstracts

-Manuscripts should be accompanied by abstracts.

-Abstracts should summarize each submission in 150 words or less.

-Abstracts (and keywords, should authors choose to include them) should be uploaded in the metadata set of windows mentioned in the General Instructions for Authors section listed above. Instructions on Writing References

-Authors should follow the APA Manual for creating proper in-text citations and proper entries on the reference page.

-Authors should remember that in-text citations require the inclusion of three elements: the surname of the author of the cited material, the year of publication of the cited material, and (when quoting) the page number (or paragraph placement) of the cited material.

Robinson and McLullen (2009) found that nonprofits can be profitable. Indeed, their research showed profitable results for most of the years studied (Robinson & McLullen, 2009). They argued ‘for the use of a profitability index to compare nonprofits’ (Robinson & McLullen, 2009, p. 345).

-Authors should list only the cited material in the reference section of the manuscript, in alphabetical order, according to the tenet of the APA Manual.

-References should be listed on a new page (with the exception of book reviews) in Times New Roman at 12 points, left justified with hanging indents. Instructions on Formatting Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to specific formatting guidelines. They should do the following:

-Type the manuscript using Microsoft Word

-Use only one space after end-of-sentence punctuation marks

-Use the font Times New Roman at 12 points -Format the manuscript to print on the standard U.S. 8.5 x 11-inch paper (not the standard A4 paper)

-Set the margins at one inch (2.54 cm) on all sides (top, bottom, right, and left)

-Indent all paragraphs

-Double-space the manuscript

-Left justify the manuscript

-Include tables, figures, illustrations, photographs, maps, etc. where they need to appear in the text of the manuscript (no Table 1 about here with the Table included on a separate page)

-Submit the manuscript as a .doc, a .docx, or an .rtf extension.

-Set the headings according to the four standard levels of headings described in section 3.03 (p. 62) of the APA Manual and exemplified on the next page. Introductions need no headings.

View information above with diagrams through this document.


Guidelines for Program Administration Manuscripts

JNELSI2 publishes manuscripts on program administration and these may or may not be research based.  These should be in the form of an essay rather than a research article.   Of particular interest are essays on topics such as support by higher administrators, dealing with adjunct faculty, program directors as staff rather than faculty, etc.  These manuscripts should share thoughts, experiences, and reflection and are designed as an opportunity to share insights and foster dialogue.  In fact, it is hoped that readers will write commentary to be published in later issues of JNELSI2 commenting on program administration articles.  As with all manuscripts, program administration submissions will be subject to peer review and the criteria for acceptance will interest in the topic, expression of thought, and insight provided which may simply reinforce that experienced by others. 


Guidelines for Case Studies

The Journal of Nonprofit  Education and Leadership (JNELSI2) is very interested in case studies that can be used for instructional purposes in academic programs and by consultants to present workshops and work directly with nonprofit professionals.  Cases should be factual and based on historical information or participant observation including ethnographic research and the autobiographical research techniques of Norman Denizen and his associates.

Cases must be based on real occurrences but portions may use fictional material to protect persons, organizations, and fill in gaps to make the case read in a story like manner.  They should be interesting and engaging to read and be written in such a way that they can be reproduced for instructional purposes.  JNELSI2 will give explicit permission for the reproduction of the case in hard or electronic copy with proper citation.

In addition to presenting the case itself, authors must provide these three sections in their submission:  Implication for Theory or Policy, Suggestions for Classroom Instruction, and Suggestions for Consultants.  Each section should have at least two or three paragraphs and suggestions for classroom use should include discussion questions, suggested readings and videos, and activities for students to examine the implications of the case or further their exploration of those implications.  As with article submission, case study references should follow the latest APA guidelines.


Guidelines for Book/Resource Reviews

Submissions: Submissions should be made on this website using the journal management system. During submission, in the first step, designate the journal section ‘Book/Resource Review’. Abstracts are not required for this section.

Author information:  Name, title, institution and background will be requested during the submission process and thus, may be excluded from the manuscript document.

Book citation:  Author(s) last name, first/second initials, year of publication, title, location of publisher and publisher. 

Critique: Reviewers may reflect on a variety of areas including:

  • content (theories, frameworks, and concepts),
  • organization of the book (design, methodology),
  • audience (practitioners, undergraduate/graduate, field/subfields)
  • pedagogical uses (frameworks, application, praxis)
  • purpose and implications
  • strengths or gap areas
  • overall analysis and contribution to the field (new knowledge, substance, or redesign)

Length and Style: The preferred length for each book reviewed is between 1000-2000 words. The reviewer may submit a longer analysis in the case of comparative works (2 books or more). Length description is guideline only and reviews may be longer or shorter depending on the importance, depth and length of the book(s) reviewed. APA style is appreciated when possible.

Deadlines for review submission:  Unless otherwise stated, reviewers will have a minimum of four (4) months to complete and submit reviews. 

Editing of review:  The book review editor (and/or the journal editor) reserves the right to edit the manuscript. This may include formatting, content, or grammar. Substantive changes will be shared with the reviewer.

Questions may be directed to:
Dr. Theresa Ricke-Kiely, JNELSI2 Book Review Editor
University of Notre Dame
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
118 Hesburgh Center
Notre Dame, IN 46530



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.