Using Rock Climbing for Recreation Among Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: Evaluating the REACH Program


  • Asiah Allen Old Dominion University
  • Eddie Hill Old Dominion University
  • Rowan Williams Old Dominion University
  • Christina Viglietta Old Dominion University
  • Deborah Miles Children's Hospital for the King's Daughters



diabetes, youth, rock climbing


This study examined the impact of a rock climbing program on youth with type 1 diabetes. The study utilized a mixed-methods quasi-experimental research design to measure subscales of the American Camp Association Youth Outcomes Battery on independence, perceived competence, and friendship skill. Pre- and posttest instruments were utilized over a 4-month period. The small sample size revealed significance for friendship skills, but also showed improvements after participants attended three sessions perceived competence and independence. This pilot study provides evidence-based practice of a new type of program that can be used for future studies to build upon.

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Author Biography

Eddie Hill, Old Dominion University

Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies


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Special Issue: Critical Exploration of Evidence-Based Practice in Organized Camping