Occupational Solar Exposure at Summer Camp: The Failure to Protect from a Known Hazard
occupational solar exposure, UV exposure, workplace hazards, summer camp, camp counselorsAbstract
Summer camps are an $18 billion industry while providing over 14,000 individual programs in the United States in 2015. Camp counselors, like other outdoor workers, are at risk of occupational solar exposure. Occupational solar exposure increases an individual’s lifetime accumulation of solar radiation, leading to skin damage and higher rates of skin cancer. This study fills a gap in the research about the sun protection behaviors of camp counselors and their attitude towards protecting themselves and the campers in their care. Overall, counselors did not achieve experts’ recommendations for sun protection. The findings suggest that summer camps are not taking adequate steps to protect their staff from a known workplace hazard. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration appears to currently not be holding summer camps accountable. The findings have implications for hiring, training, and risk management practices for the summer camp industry.
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