Alumni Perspectives of the Life Significance of Attending an Undergraduate Outdoor Academic Program


  • Abigail Fuesler Western Carolina University
  • Andrew J. Bobilya Western Carolina University
  • Brad Daniel Western Carolina University
  • Will Hobbs Capstone ISG



higher education, outdoor academic program, Significant Life Experience



The outdoor industry is growing in the U.S., and its economic impact has been well documented. One pathway toward employment in the outdoor industry has been undergraduate training in an outdoor academic program (OAP). Undergraduate OAPs require significant financial support, access to outdoor spaces, and specialized faculty training. Consequently, OAPs remain challenging to justify to college administrators. The alumni perspective is critical to communicating the value of the long-term impacts of graduating from OAPs. This study explored the perceived significance of experiences in undergraduate OAPs and how those experiences impacted graduates’ careers. The study utilized a Significant Life Experience (SLE) framework and recruited alumni of three longstanding OAPs via an Internet survey. The respondents found their OAP to be extremely impactful on their career, whether in the outdoor industry or another field. College administrators and faculty can utilize the findings of this study as they consider the value of OAPs.


