Recreation-Based Camps for Military Children: Past, Present, and Future


  • Haley K. Griffiths Clemson University
  • Jasmine A. Townsend Clemson University



recreation programming, military children, resiliency, camp, program outcomes


This article discusses current literature and recommendations for future recreation-based camps for military children aged 7 to 17. Since the beginning of the Global War on Terrorism, the amount of government and community-based programs offered for military families over the past 15 years has significantly increased. This article gives a brief overview of the challenges military children face, specifically children with a parent serving in the National Guard or Reserves. This article explores the continuous focus of organizations to promote resiliency and coping skills as they relate to parental deployments. This article organizes programs for military children as non-recreation based and recreation based to examine the literature available and highlight the gap of literature available on recreation-based camps for military children. The article also provides recommendations for future areas of research and implications for practitioners developing camps designed for military children.

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Author Biographies

Haley K. Griffiths, Clemson University

Haley K. Griffiths is a Doctoral student in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at Clemson Univerisity.

Jasmine A. Townsend, Clemson University

Jasmine A. Townsend is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at Clemson Univerisity.


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