Is a Decline in Parks Provision Inevitable in Fast-Growth Cities? Evidence from Texas


  • John L. Crompton
  • Gary D. Ellis



Park Acres, Park Land Dedication, City Growth


The study explored whether fast-growth cities in Texas were able to retain their existing level of park supply over a 12-year period between 2008 and 2020. Directors of 50 Texas cities were surveyed in each of those years. Analyses showed the ratio of parks per thousand people was significantly lower in 2020 than in 2008. Correlation results suggested the higher the rate of growth, the more challenging it is for cities to retain their existing levels of service. The negative impact of growth was significantly mitigated in cities that had a parkland dedication ordinance. The results suggest there is a significant probability there will be a decline in parks provision in fast-growth cities, but the finding that there was no decline in 30% of cities in this sample offers a source of encouragement.

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Author Biography

John L. Crompton

Crompton & Ellis R. Professors in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences at the University of Texas A&M





Research Notes