Exploring Nature Dose Attainment across Racial Groups in Urban Parks and Trails


  • Trey Feuerhelm Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota
  • Ingrid E. Schneider Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota




constraints, well-being, BIPOC, health, dosage


Nature exposure affords significant mental and physical health benefits, particularly with a weekly, 120-minute nature-dose threshold (White et al. 2019). As nature exposure is unequal with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) facing greater constraints, nature dosage is likely unequal, rendering fewer benefits. A secondary analysis of urban park and trail visitor data (n = 3209) explored nature dosage across racial groups (BIPOC-aggregate, Asian, Black, White). Nature dose attainment significantly differed between those who identify as White and those who identify as BIPOC. Notably, nature dose attainment was rather low among all respondents, with a maximum of 25%. Future studies can seek primary data and additional analyses to better contextualize how intersectionality and specific activities impact nature dosage attainment.


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