An Analysis of the Perceived Competencies of Recreational Sport Administrators


  • Bob Barcelona
  • Craig M. Ross


Recreational sports, competencies, sport management, sport management curriculum, professional development.


This study sought to determine the core competencies necessary for the administration of sport programs in campus, public, and military recreation settings using the Competencies of Sport Managers instrument. Factor analysis of 457 responses on 96 items revealed that the competencies of sport administrators were represented by four factors, identified as Management Techniques, Sport Programming, Business Administration, and Theoretical Perspectives. Discriminant analysis revealed that sport administrators in campus recreation settings placed more emphasis on Theoretical Perspectives and less emphasis on Sport Programming. When compared to sport management faculty, administrators in all agency settings placed more emphasis on Sport Programming and Theoretical Perspectives, with faculty placing more emphasis on Management Techniques and Business Administration. This study reinforces the need for recreational sport administrators to possess a strong management and business base, along with competence in sport programming and recreational sport theory/foundations. Achieving greater understanding of the nature and importance of recreational sport competencies can help the field become more accountable for its programs in academic preparation, professional training, and continuing education.

