Crossing the Rubicon: The Responsibility of Professors and Park and Recreation Professionals in Public Discourse


  • Daniel Dustin University of Utah
  • Cary McDonald University of Illinois
  • Brett Wright Clemson University
  • Jack Harper University of Manitoba
  • Gene Lamke San Diego State University
  • James Murphy San Francisco State University



Academic freedom, extramural utterances, freedom of speech, political activism, special responsibility


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In this paper we examine the responsibility of professors and park and recreation professionals in public discourse. Working from a basic understanding of the American Association of University Professors’ “Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure,” we begin by discussing the special responsibility professors have to be accurate, restrained, and respectful of differing points of view, even as they advocate for their own points of view. In making our case, we describe three “hats” professors commonly wear: that of educator, researcher, and private citizen, and the opportunities and obligations pinned to each hat. We pay special attention to “extramural utterances,” those occasions when professors go beyond their roles as educators and researchers to speak up and out in public life as private citizens. We then apply the lessons learned about the responsibility of professors in public discourse to park and recreation professionals who may also be inspired to speak up and out publicly about contemporary events. Finally, we conclude by offering some general rules of thumb for professors and park and recreation professionals who wish to make their voices heard in public without jeopardizing their job security or doing damage to the integrity of their profession. 

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Author Biographies

Daniel Dustin, University of Utah


Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation


Cary McDonald, University of Illinois

Professor Emeritus

Brett Wright, Clemson University

Professor and Dean

College of Behavioral, Health and Social Sciences

Jack Harper, University of Manitoba

Associate Dean (retired)

Gene Lamke, San Diego State University

Professor Emeritus

James Murphy, San Francisco State University

Professor Emeritus





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