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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • I have read and followed the Author Guidelines for this article submission.

Author Guidelines

Please note that we do not use the online system for submissions. Please submit your manuscript using the information below.

PALAESTRA, a refereed quarterly (fall, winter, spring, summer) professional journal, deals with all aspects of sport, physical education, recreation, and related activity areas involving participants with disabilities. Information for short fillers and use in departments is encouraged.

The focus of PALAESTRA is broad, including practical applications for teaching, coaching, and leading; implications and applications of scientific research for training and teaching; administration, supervision, and management; professional preparation and in-service education; innovative ideas and practices; assessment and classifications; relationships of basic sciences to methods and activities for individuals with disabilities; sports medicine and athletic training applied to individuals with disabilities; equipment and supplies used in these programs; and professional issues and trends.

A double-blind review process is followed rigorously. Manuscripts are reviewed by members of the editorial board and/or other professional specialists representing all topical areas dealt with in PALAESTRA. Manuscripts are accepted for review and consideration on the condition they have not been published previously, submitted simultaneously, or accepted for publication elsewhere. PALAESTRA will consider manuscripts rejected by other journals. There are no page or illustration charges.


Terminology throughout PALAESTRA conforms to current accepted usage. Focus is on people, not disabilities (i.e., students who are blind; athletes with spinal cord injuries; participants who have intellectual disabilities; persons who use wheelchairs for mobility are wheelchair users, not wheelchair bound, etc.). Reference is to individuals with disabilities, not handicaps, handicapping conditions, or impairments. Authors should apply this person-first policy in their manuscripts.


The following guidelines are to assist authors in preparing manuscripts to be considered through the PALAESTRA review and editorial processes:

  • Submit all manuscripts in English.
  • Deal with any topic associated with sport, physical education, recreation, dance, and related areas involving participants with disabilities, each interpreted and applied in its broadest way.
  • Make the manuscript no longer than 12 to 15 double-spaced pages, with images or tables (8.5 x 11 with margins of at least an inch). Include an abstract of approximately 100 words.

Follow American Psychological Association Manual (APA 6th ed.) for all matters of style.

  • Include sections with each manuscript (each starting on a separate page) for (a) title page, (b) abstract, (c) text, (d) acknowledgments, (e) selected references, (f) photographs/illustrations/tables, (g) legends/cutline information for photographs and other illustrations, and (h) a brief biographical sketch for inclusion with published article. Number pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner of each page, beginning with the title page.
  • Include a cover sheet with author name(s), academic or professional title(s), complete mailing address(es), and e-mail contact information. Do not have names or related information on any manuscript pages that will be sent out for review.
  • Submission illustrations images, drawings, tables, and/or graphs to give greater impact to content and its presentation. Images/drawings color prints or black and white prints of good quality can be considered; digital images are preferred, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If photographs of persons are used, either subjects must be unidentifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by written permission for use. Tables/graphs number in sequence, cite by number in the text, and include legends for each; double space and place each on a separate sheet; make every effort to send tables and graphs in pdf format, so each can be processed directly. Illustrative materials become the property of PALAESTRA for possible future use unless instructions requesting their return accompany the submission.
  • Please e-mail the following to Martin E. Block, editor of PALAESTRA, at
    • Manuscript in a Word document; there should be no author information on the manuscript
    • Cover letter with author contact information as well as bios of authors
    • Images (jpeg or tiff), 300 dpi resolution, with captions for each picture submitted
    • An abstract of the article

For more information or to send a manuscript, contact

Kinesiology Program, University of Virginia
2010 Emmet St. S., Box 400407
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4407
Phone/Fax: 1-434-924-7073

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.