Including Students with Disabilities in the Sport Education Model: A Meaningful Physical Education Critique


  • Paul R. Malinowski University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
  • Kevin A. Richards University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
  • Wesley J. Wilson University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign


Sport Education is recognized as a pedagogical model that teachers can use to facilitate meaningful experiences for their students in physical education, however, significantly less is known about its application for students with disabilities. This dearth of scholarship provides a rationale for this article, which includes a discussion of how Sport Education can promote meaningful experiences under ideal implementation. Alternatively, when it is not implemented with intentionality, it can become a cautionary tale of physical education that is less meaningful for students with disabilities. Appropriate supports, accommodations, modifications, and the addition of a student-performed, equity officer role, will likely help students with disabilities have more meaningful experiences within the Sport Education model.





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