Quantitative Analyses about Market- and Prevalence-Based Needs for Adapted Physical Education Teachers in the Public Schools in the United States


  • Jiabei Zhang


The purpose of this study was to analyze quantitative needs for more adapted physical education (APE) teachers based on both market- and prevalence-based models. The market-based need for more APE teachers was examined based on APE teacher positions funded, while the prevalence-based need for additional APE teachers was analyzed based on students requiring APE services. All relative data available in The 27th Annual Report to Congress (USDE, 2007) and a national APE job survey (Kelly & Gansneder, 1998) were used. Results indicate that 640 more qualified APE teachers are needed to fill out all the APE positions currently funded (a shortage of 9.15%) and 20,087 more qualified APE teachers are required to meet needs by all the students requiring APE services (a shortage of 75.96%), resulting in a substantial difference of 19,447 additional APE teachers with full certifications needed between the prevalence- and market-based models (a shortage difference of 66.81%). Implications of these results are discussed in this article.




