Zumba in the Postindustrial Midwest: Minority Women and Access to Physical Fitness


  • Selen Razon West Chester University
  • Shannon Powers Ball State University
  • Lindsay Pursglove Ball State University
  • Dagny Zupin Ball State University
  • Lawrence W. Judge Ball State University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9941-5665




aerobics, community center, group exercise


Historically, minority women have had limited access to health care resources. Healthy People 2020 identified the promotion of activity and wellness as a key for eliminating heath disparities in ethnic minorities, as minority women are not significant consumers of exercise programming. This study explored participation of a sample of underserved African American women in an individualized Zumba exercise program. The underserved sample was taken from a postindustrial Midwestern city. Participants (n = 35, M age = 45.75) completed a 4-month aerobic intervention program offered through an accessible gym. At program completion, they responded to a semistructured survey that gauged reasons for participation, perceived enjoyment, and effectiveness. In addition, the survey prompted recommendations and suggestions for future programming. Low cost and entertainment aspects were the most commonly cited reasons for participation. Most participants found the program enjoyable and effective and expressed interest for participating in similar events in the future.

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Author Biography

Lawrence W. Judge, Ball State University

Professor of Kinesiology




