PETE Teacher Candidates’ Preferred Teaching Styles


  • Carol Wilkinson Brigham Young University
  • David Barney Brigham Young University
  • William F. Christensen Brigham Young University



physical education, teaching styles, reproductive styles, productive styles, pre-service physical education


This study examined the chosen teaching styles of teacher candidates in a university PE high school teaching methods course (a) to see if teaching styles were chosen with equal probability and (b) to see if there was a difference of the distribution of styles used by males compared to females. A chi-square goodness of fit test determined if one or more teaching styles was more popular than at least one other, and a post hoc test compared all pairs of proportions. A two-sided normal-based test tested whether reproductive and productive styles were equally popular. A test for independence of gender and preferred teaching style was conducted, followed by post hoc tests. The following pairs of teaching style proportions were significantly different: practice with all the other styles except reciprocal. Overall, reproductive styles were more popular. Female candidates preferred reproductive styles at a significantly higher rate than male candidates did, and male candidates preferred productive styles at a significantly higher rate than female candidates did. Reasons for style preference are explored and recommendations made for environmental enhancements that help teachers to develop productive styles.

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Author Biographies

Carol Wilkinson, Brigham Young University

Department of Teacher Education, Associate Professor

David Barney, Brigham Young University

Department of Teacher Education, Associate Professor

William F. Christensen, Brigham Young University

Department of Statistics, Professor




