The Impact of Job Satisfaction and Thriving in the Workplace for Recreational Therapists
Job Satisfaction and Thriving in the Workplace for RTs
Job Satisfaction, Thriving at Work, Recreation TherapistsAbstract
In recreational therapy (RT) job satisfaction and thriving in the workplace is a relatively unexplored research topic. Supporting literature highlights employee and organizational benefits associated with job satisfaction and thriving that are worth exploring in RT. This study sought to further the understanding of RTs’ perceptions of job satisfaction and sense of “thriving” in the workplace anticipating that research will contribute to the further study of RTs and the organizations in which they work. The sample consisted of 260 Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRSs®) who completed an e-survey mailed through the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification. Respondents noted job satisfaction was linked to the nature of work and to the relationships in the workplace. No significant differences were found by sector or number of years in the profession. Sense of thriving was tied to on-the-job learning. Findings indicated that thriving in the workplace was a predictor of one’s job satisfaction. The manuscript outlines study limitations and future research directions.
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