Wellness and Therapeutic Recreation: Challenges for Service


  • C Forrest McDowell


Prosumer Role, Self-Care, Leisure Wellness, Consciousness, Integration, BodyMindSpirit


The question is raised, how can one master the process of living well, no matter one's
physical or mental condition? It. is suggested that therapeutic recreators have at least
three challenges in invoking wellness processies in present delivery of service. First
must be a reassessment of control by helpers so that clients gain prosumer power in
leisure decisions. Second, a thorough understanding, philosophically and practically,
of the self-care process must be had in order to relate to varying levels of leisure/
lifestyle issues. Third, knowledge of a Wellness Cosmology which integrates Body..
MindSpirit along a continuum of consciousness will provide the helper with an effective
m.ap to initiate specific wellness strategies. A concluding argument suggests
that the success of any wellness processes lies in a deep understanding of the nature
of spirit and its healing power for bodymind. It is this spirit which also allows a
person to tap into deep levels of the leisure experience.





Research Papers