An Exploratory Study of the Benefits of a Three- Week Cycling Expedition for Potential First-Generation, College-Bound Students


  • Phyllis Robertson Western Carolina University
  • Elizabeth Graves Western Carolina University
  • Andrew J. Bobilya Western Carolina University
  • Todd Murdock Western Carolina University
  • Dale Brotherton Western Carolina University
  • Sara Hunter Western Carolina University



first-generation college bound students, adventure-based learning, experiential learning, TRIO, experiential learning model


This exploratory study examined the benefits of participating in a three-week, multi-state bicycling trip for eight adolescents who participated in a first-generation, college-bound program. The primary purpose of this study was to explore participants’ perceptions of their own resilience, independence, responsibility, and problem-solving and to identify elements of the program that help facilitate the development of these outcomes. Analysis of focus group comments six weeks post experience suggests a cyclical experiential learning model exemplifying the effects of participation, feedback, and reflection on participants’ acceptance of challenge and the process needed to support it. Application of the characteristics described within the model as they apply to first-generation, college-bound student success is provided.

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Author Biographies

Phyllis Robertson, Western Carolina University

Professor of Counseling, Department of Human Services

Western Carolina University

Elizabeth Graves, Western Carolina University

Assistant Professor of Counseling, Department of Human Services

Western Carolina University

Andrew J. Bobilya, Western Carolina University

Professor of Parks and Recreation Management and Experiential and Outdoor Education

Western Carolina University

Todd Murdock, Western Carolina University

Retired, Project Discovery

Dale Brotherton, Western Carolina University

Retired, Counseling Program

Sara Hunter, Western Carolina University

Counseling Program

Western Carolina University


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Research Note