Examining Recreation Demand for Lakeshore Parks in Oklahoma: What is Causing the Downward Trend in Attendance?


  • Brannon Daniels Oklahoma State University
  • Richard T. Melstrom Oklahoma State University




Lakes, reservoirs, tourism, water levels, blue green algae, weather


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This paper develops a demand model to examine attendance trends at individual state parks in Oklahoma between 1998 and 2014. The model tests whether visitation and thus the decision to visit is affected by reservoir water levels, blue green algae blooms, weather conditions and gas prices, in addition to other controls. The results show that visitation declines by less than 1% for every foot that reservoir water levels move away from normal surface elevation, and 7% for every $1 increase in the price of gas. Since 1998, visitation to these parks has persistently declined, which the model attributes to gas price increases and other time varying (site-invariant) conditions, rather than changes in water or weather conditions. 

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Author Biographies

Brannon Daniels, Oklahoma State University

Graduate student

Richard T. Melstrom, Oklahoma State University

Assistant professor





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