Physical Education Teacher Education Faculty Self-Efficacy Toward Educational Technology




physical education, teacher preparation, self-efficacy, technology


The role of technology in physical education instruction has expanded greatly over the past few years. Because of the influence that physical education teacher education (PETE) faculty have on the development of teacher candidates’ technology knowledge and skills, this study sought to examine the technology integration selfefficacy levels of PETE faculty. Participants included a sample of 76 PETE faculty from the United States who completed the Educator Technology Self-Efficacy Survey consisting of items related to the ISTE Standards for Teachers (Standards-T) and physical education–specific technology. Statistical analyses revealed a moderate overall rating of technology self-efficacy (M = 3.7, SD = 0.63), with facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity with technology being the highest rated of the Standards-T (M = 3.83, SD = .66). Faculty selfefficacy for projectors and faculty self-efficacy for pedometers were among the highest rated specific PE technologies. Findings suggest that PETE faculty are generally confident in their technology integration capabilities, which is a positive for PE teacher candidates.

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Author Biographies

Kason O'Neil, East Tennessee State University

Assistant Professor/Program Coordinator, Physical Education Teacher Education, Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation, & Kinesiology

Jennifer M. Krause, University of Northern Colorado

Assistant Professor of Sport Pedagogy




