Contact Theory as the Theoretical Basis of the Paralympic Skill Lab: A Measurement of Implementation Fidelity


  • Cathy McKay James Madison University
  • Jung Yeon Park James Madison University
  • Justin Haegele Old Dominion University


Paralympic skill lab, disability awareness, attitudes, contact theory


The purpose of this study was to explore contact theory as the theoretical basis of the university level Paralympic School Lab (PSL) disability awareness program. This fidelity of implementation study utilized a survey to measure contact theory as a single construct, seeking to control and explain the manner in which the PSL satisfied the four components of contact theory. Participants were 154 university students who took part in the PSL. Analysis included a chi-square goodness-offit test, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and Mc-Donald’s omega. Results determined that the PSL program supported the four theoretical components of contact theory, with statistically significant differences in student responses across all four indicators (p < .001). Results also determined that the four indicators of the instrument measured a single construct (two indicators significant at the p < .01 level, the remaining two indicators significant at the p ≤ .001 level), thus determining strong construct validity. This study offers a replication and validation, specifically exploring university students, that the PSL satisfied the four components of contact theory.





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